Master of Advanced Studies in

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Federica De Rossa Gisimundo


Federica De Rossa Gisimundo earned her Law Degree from the University of Fribourg, passed the Swiss Bar examination, and went on to obtain a Doctorate in Law, also from the University of Fribourg, receiving the prix Vigener award in 2010. Since September 2017, she is a Senior Assistant Professor on tenure track in Law of Economics within the Faculty of Economics. She also serves as a Deputy Federal Justice at the Federal Supreme Court (Second Public Law Division, Lausanne), and is a Lecturer in the Faculty of Law at the University of Lucerne.

Prof. De Rossa is currently director of the Law Institute (IDUSI) and President of the Ethical Committee at USI. She is on the list of Legal Experts for the provision of independent external expertise to the Research Services of the European Parliament, a member of the Editorial Board of the Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Finanzmarktrecht (SZW),  a committee member of the Swiss section of the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ-CH), a member of the examining commission for advocacy in the Ticino Canton, and of many other professional and academic associations. Until 2014, she was a member of the Swiss Authority for regulating the postal market (Federal Postal Services Commission PostCom).

Her scientific interest is in the (public) law of national and international economics, particularly in the dynamics between economics and protection of human rights. In this context, she studies the following topics: public enterprises and the complex position they are in, between the obligation to provide public service and the need to be competitive with private companies; criminal liability and administrative responsibility of organizations; corporate social responsibility – from soft law to hard law; corporate governance of private companies and public enterprises. She is interested in the fight against corruption and in finding the mechanisms to guarantee integrity and transparency within the public administration and the parastatal sector, as well as the public contract law with particular attention on the regulatory framework for sustainable public procurement. Her publications are related to the self-adjusting process of Swiss economic law to European law and on the bilateral agreement between Switzerland and the European Union (with regard to the free movement of persons), and their implementation.