Master of Advanced Studies in

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Denise Efionayi-Mäder

Denise Efionayi-Mäder is Project Manager and Deputy Director of the Swiss Forum for the study of migration and population (SFM) of the University of Neuchâtel.
Graduated in sociology (1987) and in public management (DESMAP 1998) of the University of Geneva, she conducted various research and public policy evaluations in the areas of asylum social assistance, integration measures), regular and irregular migration (access to rights and the health of undocumented migrants), integration, training and public health.
Research carried out under her responsibility concerned different migrant communities, integration into the labor market, social participation and the health of migrants, trafficking in human rights, the repression of illegal work, as well as the relationship between migration and (cooperation to) development.
She has also led several national comparative studies refugees and migration trajectories) and coordinated a multi-site project on student migration in West Africa (Ivory Coast, Niger, Senegal). She is a member of the drafting of the magazine Asile and the Federal Coordination Commission for questions (Coff).
Intercultural Communication Education