Master of Advanced Studies in

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Political and linguistics aspects of diversity

The course aims to present and discuss the sociological and political philosophy issues related to multiculturalism. It starts from an apparently distant phenomenon, but which weighs heavily on these stakes, the rise of individualism and personal subjectivity in contemporary societies. It situates the issue in what is the major global change, globalization, and will invite the participants to "think global." And in the face of these phenomena, multiculturalism has been an institutional and philosophical response since the end of the 1960s.  The content, the history, as well as the limits of this response will be discussed in light of the question whether intercultural dialogue could be another answer. The module will also address specific guidelines and measures for integration.

Intercultural Communication Education DegreeAddress diversity management as a form of public policy, showing that it can be addressed with the tools of policy selection, design, and evaluation;
Intercultural Communication Education DegreeInvestigate the concept of 'language regime' and discuss the benefits and costs of multilingualism, addressing the ways issues related to translation, interpreting, the use of a 'lingua franca,' and other strategies s 'intercompréhension';
Intercultural Communication Education DegreeDevelop the concept of tolerability, focusing on establishing the latter's empirical validity through a quantitative approach.

Intercultural Communication Education DegreePhilosophical and political challenges of monoculturalism and multiculturalism;
Intercultural Communication Education DegreeMulticulturalism: theory and practice;
Intercultural Communication Education DegreeManaging differences and "intercultural conflicts";
Intercultural Communication Education DegreeDiversity and multilingual public policy.

Michel Wieviorka
François Grin