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Gianni D’Amato


Gianni D'Amato is Professor at the University of Neuchâtel and Director of the Swiss Forum of Migration and Population Studies (SFM). His research interests are focused on citizenship, transnationalism, populism and the history of migration. After his MA in Sociology at the University of Zurich, D’Amato focused his PhD Thesis on citizenship and migrants’ integration in a comparative perspective. He is author of Vom Ausländer zum Bürger. Der Streit um die politische Integration von Einwanderern in Deutschland, Frankreich und der Schweiz (Lit Verlag 3rd edition, 2005) and co-authered and co-edited, among others Herausforderung Stadt. Städtische Migrationspolitik in der Schweiz und in Europa (Seismo Verlag, 2005) and Mit dem Fremden politisieren. Rechtspopulismus und Migrationspolitik in der Schweiz seit den 1960er Jahren (Zürich, Chronos Verlag, 2008). An extended publication list with English and French articles can be found at the following page:

Gianni D’Amato is member of the Expert Council of German Foundation on Migration and Integration (

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